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Thomas van Aquino: De Academische Preken
Ingeleid, vertaald en van aantekeningen voorzien door Mark-Robin Hoogland c.p., met medewerking van Harm Goris en Henk Schoot
ISBN 978 90 79578801, Almere 2015
In this second part Ferdinand de Grijs continues his investigations into the catholic faith about Jesus Christ. With his devotional mind he is looking into the passion, the death and the resurrection of Our Lord. It is an act of anamnesis, memoria. By remembering His passion and death Our Lord becomes present as the Living Lord.
This book can be ordered from the publisher Valkhofpers
Ferdinand de Grijs, Onze Heer. Onderzoekingen in het katholieke geloof over Jezus Christus, Nijmegen: Valkhof Pers 2010, ISBN 9789056253332, � 18,95
Study, prayer and meditations are the roots of these 'investigations' into the catholic faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord, as living in the church and on the right hand of the Father, and as coming to judge the living and the dead.The investigations are done with the mind and the spirit, they encourage reflection, conversation, prayer and meditation.
This book can be ordered from the publisher Valkhofpers
Jozef Wissink, Thomas van Aquino: de actuele betekenis van zijn theologie. Een inleiding,
Zoetermeer: Meinema 1998
(herdruk 2005), ISBN 9021137313.
An introduction to the thought of Thomas Aquinas, from some key texts of the Summa Theologiae. The author places them in their context, comments on them and shows how they can be relevant for the current theological debate. This introduction to Aquinas' theology can appeal to a wide and ecumenical audience.