Thomas Instituut te Utrecht (Tilburg University)


Relieken van Thomas in Utrecht 2-3 april

Op 2 en 3 april zullen de relieken van Thomas ter verering worden tentoongesteld in de Catharinakathedraal in Utrecht. De kerk is open van 3 uur tot 9 uur ’s avonds. Het Thomas Instituut organiseert een aantal activiteiten op beide dagen.

CfP: Conference Warsaw May 28-30

The Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Warsaw organizes a conference on Aquinas, together with the Faculty of Theology of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and the Thomas Instituut at Utrecht. The title of the conference is "Aquinas: Strategies and Methods" and will be held in Warsaw from May 28-30

Symposium retirement Rudi te Velde

On November 22, 2024, Rudi te Velde retired as ’Professor by Special Appointment’ for the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. On the occasion of his retirement, Rudi organized a symposium entitled: ’Strange relatives: on the relation between animals and humans’.